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and Assembly Guidance

Metallic Fittings

Braided Fittings


FSU Conduit

Our fitting's components are supplied part assembled

to illustrate how they go together. Our C type fittings

consist of a compression nut, an elastomeric seal, an

insert and a body.






Type C Braided Fittings

Our type-C braided fittings consist of an outer compression nut, an inner

compression nut, an elastomeric seal, an insert and a body. Firstly place the outer

compression nut on the conduit as per 1. Remove the tape securing the braid and

pull back to allow the inner compression nut to be fitted as per 2. Next, fit the

elastomeric seal (note the orientation) and screw the insert into the end of the

conduit until this gives a secure fit as per 3.

Bring the body to mate with the inner compression nut and secure. Next, bring the

back shell to mate with the inner compression nut to secure the braid as per 4.

Metal fittings should be tightened with grips or spanner to ensure securing and IP

rating as per 5.

Insert being fitted

Firstly place the back nut on the conduit followed by

the seal (note the orientation). Next, screw the insert

into the end of the conduit until this gives a secure fit.

Bring the body to mate with the back nut. Metal

fittings should be tightened with grips or spanner to

ensure security and IP rating.

Attaching the body

EMC Screening Using Pliable Conduit

To obtain EMC screening on pliable FLP conduit, the outer plastic sheath must be

trimmed back prior to assembly of the fitting to ensure good electrical contact with

the tapered bore of the fitting body as shown

We recommend that RSW (Retained Sealing Washers) are used

with plastic and metal threads to maintain IP rating between

systems, see page 86.

The easiest way of installing cables into flexible and pliable

conduit is to simultaneously draw in the cables with the conduit in

straight condition before installation.

FLP conduit

with sheath

trimmed back



Removal Tool



fittings can be

removed by using a tool – see

page 89

42 & 54mm FLEXILOK


can be

removed using our hinged tool -

see page 89

For more handy tips

visit our website