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and Assembly Guidance

Visit our website for instructional videos offering useful

hints on how to speed up your conduit installation

when using our products –

FPA Fitting

Our range of non-metallic conduit fittings, Flexilok®,

FPA and FPAX are all push fit fittings which are quick

to assemble once you have cut the conduit to length.


For Flexilok® and FPA fittings simply push the conduit

into the end of the fitting with a slight twist until it will

go no further. Pull back slightly to ensure the locking

teeth mechanism has engaged with the corrugations.

The FPAX fitting features a conduit seal to provide the

ultimate IP rating up to IP69K. This simply fits onto

the end of the conduit before the fitting is connected

to the conduit. To aid assembly moisten this seal. An

FPA fitting cannot be uprated to IP69K with the

addition of a seal. Pull back slightly to ensure the

locking teeth mechanism has engaged with the



To remove the FPA or FPAX fittings simply insert a small screwdriver into the screwdriver slot and move the screwdriver handle towards the “off” position. Remove the

screwdriver then manually twist the cap further towards the off position - the fitting can then be released from the conduit. Once removed, the fitting can be reused by

simply twisting the cap so that the screwdriver slot lines up with the ON position.

Non-Metallic Fittings

Non-metallic conduits and FLP up to 34mm can be

easily cut with Flexicon Conduit Cutters, part no.

CC01. Use CC02 for sizes up to 67mm. Drop the

blade into a corrugation and squeeze and twist until

conduit is cut 50% through. Cut the remaining 50%

without twisting to achieve a square cut.


Metallic conduits should be cut with a fine tooth (32

TPI) hacksaw or bandsaw. Ensure you make a

straight vertical cut. Our clamping vice, part no. BSB

makes the use of a hacksaw much easier.


Cutting of overbraided conduit is made much easier

by tightly wrapping self adhesive tape around the

conduit and sawing through the middle of the tape.

The tape should be removed if EMC screening is

required. Ensure you make a straight vertical cut.


Flexicon offer a bench mounted bandsaw designed to cut metallic conduit easily – see Page 89. Conduit length is measured under light tension. When cutting an exact

number of lengths from a reel (e.g. 5 x 5m from 25m) please take into account the length tolerance of the reel and each cut length.

Cutting Conduit